
Health and Safety assessed practically and sensibly by an expert

Whether you are a construction company with sites that need Health & Safety assessments to help you ensure you are operating within regulation or a factory owner in need of regular risk assessments Neville Gardner is able to offer you a full Health and Safety Adviser service.

Neville Gardner is dedicated to helping your business remain safely within regulaions while causing the absolute minimum disruption to your business. With a flexible service available 24 hours a day, Neville J Gardner is able to gear his work to your business' needs.

The Health and Safety advice you receive will be right for your business, based on a correct assessment of the risks and taking account of established standards (e.g. exposure limits) and best practice (as found in HSE guidace). It will be tailored to the real-world circumstances of your workplace and be based on knowledge and experience of your industry. What's more, it will tap into the best source of knowledge for your business, the managers and workers themselves.

Above all, Neville Gardner's service is sensible, concentrating on looking to control measures that are reasonably practicable and on practical action to control significant risks rather than over-response to trivial risk and excessive, unnecessary paperwork.

Health and Safety services from a skilled and experienced practitioner

  • Appointed Health & Safety Adviser Service (Competent Person)
  • Expert advice and guidance
  • Health and Safety legislation updates
  • Liaison with Local Enforcing Authorities
  • Health and Safety Compliance Audits
  • Help with Contractor Assessments
  • Health and Safety Policy documents reviewed and updated
  • Risk Assessments carried out, reviewed and updated
  • Safety Method Statements / Safe Systems of Work
  • CDM
  • Health and Safety Awareness Training
  • Full Professional Indemnity Insurance

Health and Safety consultant services available in the following industries:

  • Construction (Buildings & Roads)
  • Carpentry and Joinery
  • Fabrication and Welding
  • Engineering and Manufacturing
  • Agriculture
  • Retail, Offices and Printing
  • Haulage, Transport and Warehousing
  • Leisure, Catering and Food Manufacture
  • Motor Transport Workshops
  • Postal, Public Services and Schools
A quality service, fit for purpose, centred around competence and value for money demonstrated by the quality and clarity of the advice, not the volume of paperwork.
Health and Safety - Westbury, Wiltshire - Neville J Gardner - Safety equipment
Choose an experienced Health and Safety practitioner dedicated to the smooth, safe running of your business, call Neville Gardner on:

07540 829 377
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